
vrijdag 24 augustus 2007

Decodeer jezelf 11:11

Decodeer Jezelf

Decodeer Jezelf In onze Lichthoedanigheid , bestaan we uit symbolen en getallen, waardoor we hier kunnen zijn op de manier waarop het vanuit het Goddelijke bedoeld werd. De symbolen die je op je Weg tegenkomt ,helpen je jezelf te oncijferen, je trillingshoedanigheid beter te begrijpen.

11Geboorte en vast ankeren van het Nieuwe.

22Bouwen op het Nieuwe ,nieuwe levens en wereld bouwen.

33Universele service door het versnellen van ons één- zijn.

44Balans tussen spiritueel en fysisch , het her-configureren van ons evolutionnaire labyrint zoals boven , zo beneden , de creatie van het fundament van onze Nieuwe levens

55Bereiken van onze persoonlijke vrijheid door onze liefde te leven.

66Volbrenging van onze verantwoordelijkheden op een vreugdevolle, creatieve manier.

77Diepe inzichten en openbaringen.Onszelf aanzetten tot ons innerlijke zijn.

88Meesterschap in overvloed .

99de vervolmaking van de grote evolutiecyclus

Je kan van tijd tot tijd getriggered worden door getallen, meestal zijn het dubbele getallen. Deze getallen hebben voor ieder een andere betekenis, het gaat weer om jezelf te ervaren wanneer getallen op je Weg komen.

De dubbele Meester Getallen zoals 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99 behoren tot een Grotere Realiteit dan de Dualiteit van onze Lager wereld. Ervaar ze dan ook vanuit een Groter Perspectief : ervaar ze in Eenheid met alles om je heen. Elk getal dat tijdelijk blijft terugkomen,luidt een nieuw niveau aan,ze duiden ons op inititaies in onze evolutie op aarde. De getallen op zich zijn niet zo belangrijk, wel hetgeen ze losmaken in ons. Soms kunnen we ook geactiveerd worden door Super Meester Getallen zoals 111,222..

Deze getallen hebben een unieke frequentie welke ons zal beroeren en activeren op diep cellulair niveau. Hier kunnen we soms helemaal geen betekenis aan geven ,maar je zal wel de veranderingen voelen, en herinneringen uit vorige levens weer integreren ,als zijnde verloren krachten weer op te halen om in het Nu te kunnen gebruiken bij je missie. De Getallen 11:11 of 22:22 hebben weer een andere functie, en zullen een afstemming in je teweegbrengen tussen het Lagere en het Hogere . Het zijn overbruggingen, of ook wel Poorten genoemd.bron: de lightworkerstempelIK VOEL ME EEN NUMMER (Excerpt from 11:11:11 Portal of Light Book) Meester getallen accentueren energetisch de betekenis van eenvoudige digitale getallen. Ze worden beschouwd als één van de meest krachtige vibraties ooit gekend. Ze werden geleerd rauw ongetapt materiaal te symbolizeren en ons te helpen in het bereiken van verlichting.Deze energie wacht om geoogst te worden voor hen die ogen hebben om te zien 00, 000, or 0000De grote Leegte, het ongekende van wat moet komen, dat nog niet geboren is.Naar een hoger dimensionele flux bewegend, shift het de tijdmatrixen. De poort van creatie voor de creatie.11, 111, or 11:11De Doorweg naar alles dat is. Binnen de onmiddelijke manifestatie. Loslaten van mensgemaakte manifestaties en naar de Christus Schepping komende.Deuren gaan open en deuren sluiten en jij bent daar tussen in alles. Bewuste schepping met een 13seconden gedachten interval . Een worden met de overziel in overvloedige schepping van een iemands aangeboren Harts Verlangen. 22,222, or 22:22De hogere sequentie van manifestatie/schepping zonder de frustratie. Alle woorden ,gedachten, daden en intenties zullen de zaden laten kiemen en met of zonder regen hen helpen te groeien. Beweeg uit de omgeving van polariteit. Tijd gaat vooruit met of zonder jou. Creeer niet zomaar, heb iets te zeggen in je leven. 33,333 or 33:33Dit nummer schenkt je een keuze. In dit ben je niet toegelaten om het scherpe mes van niet kunnen beslissen af te gaan. De drie-eenheid is de heiligheid in al je keuzes. Je lichaam, verstand, geest in overeenstemming met je Ziels evolutie. Connectie met de wijsheid van de Overziel. De heiligheid zien in al je keuzes eender wat de uitkomsten zijn. 44,444 or 44:44Een fundament van licht werd rondom je gecementeerd. Nieuwe kansen komen zonder gevraagd te worden.Bouw je toekomst gedachte per gedachte, steen per steen. Sta niet toe dat diegenen met veel wind je dromen in het negatieve blazen. Geloof diep tot je het bewijs gezien hebt. Zet door, doorheen alle keuzes en veranderingen. 55, 555, 55:55Het universum verandert jou richting met je zielstoestemming. Hou de visie tot je land aan de oevers van je nieuwe zelf. Deze verandering kan het antwoord zijn op een zo'n lang vergeten gebed. De toekomst is verborgen zodat je het zou zien in je verstandsoog zoals je zou zoeken naar een droom. . (555 escorteert ons in het jaar 2004 wat een # 6 is. 5+5+5=15 (1+5=6)66,666 or 66:66In het jaar 2004 zal de vibratie van 6 veranderen in een licht vibratie die gevoeld wordt als een heilige emanantie. Te lang nu werd de mensheid gebrandmerkt met de gedachte dat alles geassocieerd met een "6" van een negativiteit, duisternis, kwaad, densiteit en aarde is .Kijk eens naar de schoonheid van een planeet die je het leven gegeven sinds je geboren werd. Het nummer 6 vraagt je terug te komen naar het originele zaadgedachte/blauwdruk van het leven met een referentie naar zijn numerieke uitleg. 6 is van de aarde maar er is een prachtige heiligheid in de aarde en in hen van de aarde. Moeder Aarde begint zich terug te bewegen naar haar originele vorm in 2004 en wacht niet op haar kinderen om hierin toe te stemmen. Door je terug af te stemmen op de ware essentie van het nummer 6 zal je de zachtheid en harmonie vinden terwijl je op een aarde-weg rijdt waarop ze aan het werken zijn. 77, 777 or 77:77Dit is de vibratie van een spiritueel krijger. Een die het smalle pad in zichze en ziel bewandelt. Zeven werken voor het licht, door het licht en met het licht. Zeven eten,drinken, denken en spreken het licht. Zeven zijn niet toegestaan om buiten die verbintenissen van licht te gaan, al was het maar een vluchtige gedachte. Zeven brengt je thuis, de plaats waar wonderen elke minuut gebeuren, waar je kan vliegen en dansen in de sterren in alle vormen. Zeven is een plaats waar wonder, magie en wonderen gezien worden als natuurlijke gebeurtenissen. Zeven is je natuurlijke staat van zijn. 88, 888 or 88:88ZO BOVEN ZO BENEDEN EN BINNENIN.Deze configuratie geeft je de eeuwige poort en escorteert je doorheen alle vroegere beperkingen. Het is een nummer van gaan voorbij wat je kent als je normale begrenzing. Het vraagt je te vliegen naar de maan en te stoppen bij de Melkweg op je terugweg. Het is pure spirituele atoomenergie, een pure krachtbron. Het is succes, welvaart en grootse zaken met een toegevoegde smaak van universele zegeningen.Het herinnert je uiteindelijk aan je goddelijke erfenis ,die je beloofd werd door de Heilige Schepper. Haal je neus op voor aardse beperkingen en loop vooruit en naar boven naar de plaats van rijkdom en gulheid. 99, 999 or 99:99Cosmische en persoonlijke vervulling. THE END! Het volgende level van liefde ,van hart, van ziel en dienst aan de planetaire evolutie doorheen zelf heling. Vrije val vanuit de hoogte van de negen naar het volgende level van Licht. Ingang en uitgang in één en dezelfde adem. Een quantum sprong naar de onbekende geschenken, komen doorheen de negen. Ben je klaar om meer te zien en meer te zijn dan dat je nu op dit moment bent? Negen is de foto afwerker op een hemelse lijn van meervoudige keuzes. Als je gelooft dat je gewonnen hebt,heb je gewonnen. ELF IS HET GETAL VAN LICHT"Elf is het nummer van nieuwe beginnen"Wanneer de kracht van Elf volledig geactiveerd wordt op aarde, heeft ze de kracht om de in de maak zijnde verleden te veranderen. Binnen het getal en de sequenties van Elf (29, 47, 38, 92, 83, 74, 56, 65) leven alle antwoorden en vragen. Elf leert ons elk probleem te zien als een kans om te leren. Het toont ons hoe voorbij alledaagse en saaie dingen te zien. Het probeert en test ons geloof . Het forceert ons te luisteren naar die kleine stille stem binnenin de stille getuige. Het herinnert ons eraan dat we geen slachtoffers zijn maar winnaars en we allen vaste wezens zijn die naar de aarde gekomen zijn om haar te helpen met het ascensie proces door met onszelf te beginnen. Het vraagt uiteindelijk van jou het licht in jezelf te plaatsen en het het te delen met alle anderen. Elf is onze Beste Vriend en Leraar . CHANNELINGJullie kregen het geschenk de expressies van Nummers doorheen elke dimensie van zelf, van ziel, van geboorte ,van dood . Nummers identificieren jullie gaan en komsn, jullie terugtrekkingen en stortingen, jullie datums,jullie tijden, en jullie uitleg van het zelf in jaartallen, gewichte, hoogte en breedte. De essentie en vibraties van numerieke verhoudingen zijn binnen ieders ziel handtekening. Jullie hebben allen een zielsnummer dat niet met je gewicht, geboortedatum of sociaal nummer te maken de opkomende condensaties en stretches van tijd, kan je jezelf terugvinden met weten dat je niet meer kan uitleggen . Je zal jezelf ondergedompeld worden in numerieke gedachten die je niet kan wet cijferen. Jullie zijn heel beperkt op aarde over hoe jullie jezelf definieren,jullie woorden en jullie wereld. Op andere plaatsen voorbij ruimte en tijd zijn er talen van licht die zichzelf beschikbaar maken door middel van numerieke sequenties. Het kan een Hallo zijn vanuit de ster Antaras met een numerieke handtekening van 2113 . voor jou , betekent het niets, maar ze nemen hun geluid en plaatsen het in een taal van het Universum,welke wiskunde is . Aanvaard deze downloads van numerieke groeten, numerieke tegenstemmen, van wezens ver voorbij jullie gekende universum. Aanvaard deze recepten voor heling,voor het zoeken, het vinden en het weten.

Jullie computer legt alle jullie woorden en symbolen uit door het gebruik van nummers.Jullie menselijke brein is een computer. Dus je in -huis biologische computer als een numerieke vergelijking ontcijfert dan alles dat aan jou wordt gegeven in woord, gedachte en actie. Deze numerieke vergelijking wordt dan getransfereerd in de vibratie van je energie veld en trekt dan moleculen aan met dezelfde numerieke codering. Stel je het element van water voor. Het heeft twee delen waterstof en 1 deell zuurstof . Het is een 2/1 configuratie. Wanneer een gedachte vanuit het verstand wordt losgelaten ,wordt het energetisch verspreid als een jelly over je aura veld, en staat toe dat deze getallen binnenkomen. Je kan vibreren met een grootse vreugde en die vreugde magnetiseert op zijn beurt elementen die hetzelfde atoompatroon hebben, hetzelfde nummer van electronen en neutronen en protonen. Die vreugde kan teweeggebracht worden bij een pindanootje, een sandwich confituur of een glimlach van een baby of een vogel die dicht bij je landt terwijl je zit.In de atomische structuur van leven, spelen nummers een continue in en uit springen, in en uit de logica, in en uit je denkapparaat. Alle gedachten kunnen numeriek verklaard worden. Alle verlangens kunnen verklaard en uitgeroepen worden in getallen. Alle energieen passen in de numerieke coderingen binnen jullie eigen veld van gedachten. Het electron, de atomen, de protonen, en de neutronen passen in de externe situaties die heel snel migreren naar je centrum van zwaartekracht. Dit is waarom negatieve gedachten ongeluk worden .

Begrijp dit over jezelf , jij bent een numerieke codering in vlees. Elk orgaan, elke druppel bloed,elk atoom in je lichaam kan numeriek verklaard worden. Jullie zitten in een vergelijking van evolutionaire proportie dat zichzelf elke dag opnieuw herdefinieert en re-evalueert wat er in die dag zat. Jullie zijn nooit twee dagen achtereen dezelfde componenten . Dit is waar we jullie aandacht op willen vestigen.Wij zijn numeriek in waarde ook. We rijden een stroom van de 13-13-26-28 energie. Jullie zullen merken dat de nummers die je definieren langer en langer worden elke dag terwijl je meer en meer van je hemelse tegenpunten gaat leren in alle situaties en energieen van de aarde. Op dit moment verlaten we jullie aanwezigheid. Verwelkom wat naar je toe komt. Kijk ernaar met andere ogen. Sta het optische universum , dat jij bent , toe om zichzelf aanwezig te zien in al je gedachten. Dit zal de negativiteit verminderen elke dag wanneer de energieen verklaard worden in energieen en nummerb en niet meer door de omstandigheden voorbij je eigen controle. We verlaten jullie op dit punt

Alles over 11:11 Geplaatst op 26.05.2006 om 12:28:47 uur 672 bekeken Spiritueel print

I have been seeing the 11.11 number combination everywhere ,on digital clocks , hotel rooms and tickets.For me it was always when the beings called the Zeta were around. Every time I saw this number combination, my energy would change and shortly after the zeta would appear to my consciousness. They told me that it was a creative doorway that allowed my brain waves, to change frequency and I would be open to their energy inserting itself into my consciousness. Four years later many of my friends too saw this number combination and it was talk of the town. So what is it all about ? so I searched the net and found these interesting articles.

Taken from Uri Geller's website :uri-geller

"Scientists have found a gene on chromosome number 11, in mice, which may be involved in DNA repair. This ties in with the theory that stem cells (found in bone marrow, for example) are responsible for the ageing process when they become 'useless' and non-resistant to DNA damage. So by making stem cells more hardy, longevity can be increased. That this gene could be involved in DNA repair would be a major discovery, and the fact that it is located on chromosome number 11 and the correlation with the prolongation of life is incredible. The 11:11 enigma has been here for a while now and has affected the lives of countless thousands of people. Is it really a phenomenon, or is it our internal body clocks playing tricks on us? Formany people seeing the 11s in such abundance makes them certain that this goes far beyond the realms of coincidence. If this is a message then four ones would be the most noticeable of all numbers to have appear on a digital clock.

The major question is what can be gleaned from this 'message'.

One and one is also the beginning of the Fibonacci curve, a universal pattern of nature found in everything from conch shells to galaxy spirals. If you times 1111 x 1111 you get 1234321, representing a pyramid, and number 11 is a sacred number of the pyramid with the proportions of the great pyramid being of the ratio 7:11. Eleven is also a number harmonious with Pi. Therefore, it seems that number eleven is of central importance in understanding the mathematical infrastructure of the universe. This appearance of an abundance of 11:11 sightings on clocks seems to be is about thinking out of your box and letting your mind stretch outside it's comfort zone."


Taken from : Solara's website

The endless reoccurrence of these hours 11:11, 11:01, 11:10, 10:01, 10:11, 10:10,1:01 represents a positive connection and a gateway to the mysteries of the universeand beyond. A trigger of remembrance.For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want toknow what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify?

11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention, telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world.

You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness. The 11.11 is the bridge our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the positive unknown and beyond.

The Doorway the 11: 11

This can presently be perceived as a crack between two worlds.

The 11:11 is the bridge To an entirely different spiral of evolution. The symbol of 11:11 was pre-encoded into our cellular memory banks long ago. Returning our cycle of incarnations upon the Earth. The 11.11 has rested dormant within us since that faraway position under time-release mechanization, combined with sealed orders which would only openwhen the 11.11 was fully activated. It has been gently sleeping, awaiting the moment of triggering. And now the 11:11 is finally activated...

Some of you have recognized this symbol as something of significance, yet have been unaware of its true meaning. With the advent of digital clocks many years ago, the significance of 11:11 began to make itself felt, often appearing on clocks at times of accelerated awareness. For those of you who have know that 11:11 was something special, we now need you to come forth into positions of leadership. For you are important parts of the key.

To my amazement the tragedy in New York and Washington happened on the 11 of September, flight number 11, and the twin towers from a distance looked like the number 11. So please pay attention to the line in my article that says that it is time to take a good look around you and what is really happening.

I believe we are all connected with an invisible spiritual thread through which we can transmit information, thoughts and feelings to each other, even if we never met. Use this channel to send health, prayers, love and positivity to humanity and all our animals.11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter.The 11:11 is hereby being activated.

"Something IS happening and it's more real than any of us can imagine." A Greater Reality is being inserted into our everyday lives. The earthworm finally looks up to the stars and isforever transformed. A merger is taking place between our vast cosmic Selves and our physical bodies. This transforms our DNA and allows us to finally become vibrantly alive and totally real.The next time you see the 11:11, stop and feel the subtle energies around you. The 11:11 is a wake-up call you sent to yourself. A reminder of a moment. The revelations you receive will not come in the form of mental concepts. Rather, it will be an enhanced state of being in which you will see everything as if with new eyes. A deeper understanding of what is truly real will surround you.

The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention. It tells you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is real and what is illusory. It's time topierce the veils of illusion which keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into a Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love.

To ascend from duality into Oneness.

The 11:11 is the bridge between duality and Oneness. It is our pathway into the Unknown.Taken from http://www.crystalinks.comdouble/ digits also represent the names of different grids in which our souls are currently experiencing. Your soul is multi-dimensional - experiencing in many forms - in many grid programs. Grids form the matrix that hold the illusions of reality together..

The grids have numbers - as all things in our reality are based on something called Sacred Geometry. The physical Earth grid is 553. Many people see us moving to grid 555. Those numbers may be part of your trigger - wake-up - numbers.

The most popular double digits are:

10:10 - Moving into a new beginning 1(one) - and moving into the pattern of the Great Void 0 (zero)

111 - 11:11 - 111 - Merging DNA - Energy flow enhancing whatever level you are in presently

12:12 - Stargate - Clocks - Measurements of Time - Calendars - 12 ethereal pyramids around One=TheGreat Pyramid - The Illusion of Time is Ending

222 - Duality - Polarity - Recognition that we are created by an electromagnetic energy grid. Our polaritiesthat are now merging.

333 - Three into One - 12 pyramids each containing 3 entities =36

432 - 432:Cosmic Key

444 - Completion of a cycle - 44:44 Stargate

553 - The Physical Earth plane

555 - Fifth dimension - higher frequency energy often associated with Christ Consciousness - - The Quest for 555 Chronicles666 = 18 = 9 = completion of this cycle of time

777 and 888 - return to higher consciousness

999 - Completion

October 10th - 1010 Digital Code

Hopi Elders talk Geplaatst op 08.05.2006 om 14:37:12 uur 1202 bekeken Spiritueel print During the past week there have been a few events that deserve our attention, thought, and examination.

In an unprecedented and totally unexpected way, Hopi Elders for the first time in history have openly shared their sacred, and heretofore secret prophecies with the world. Robert Ghost Wolf, noted Native American Prophet and author arranged for two Hopi Elders to appear for three hours on the nationally aired Art Bell show (out of Pahrump, NV) and freely discuss their sacred, and heretofore secret prophecies.It has been said by many who have had limited access to the prophecies in the past, that the Hopi prophecies of the coming earth changes are among the most ancient and accurate available.

The Elders have come forth at this time because they believe that we have passed the point of no return and major changes are imminent, beginning within the next few months.

It is their hope to "soften" the effects by appealing to all to return to a simpler, more spiritual way of life.

Last month at Spiritual Endeavors (and returning again this coming month) noted author, environmentalist, and channeler, Rev. Fred Sterling carried much the same message. Rev. Sterling emphasized that "The Great Shift" has already begun.

It is happening now. In other related recent events, Gordon Michael Scallion, Robert Ghost Wolf, and other modern day prophets began predicting major Earth Changes, especially noticeable in the state of California among other places, beginning this summer. And now the Hopi Elders have gone on national radio with the same message.

So, the Earth is changing? The Great Shift is upon us? What is one to do? I offer the following in reply.

First of all, if you are in denial - get over it. Open up your eyes. Take a look around.

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

Perhaps it's a little different than it's ever been for your locality?

Try to find out what's really going on. You won't find out by watching Hard Copy, or even the Evening News. Try Nexus magazine at your newsagent. Read back copies.

You'll have to get away from the latest political scandal of who is sleeping with whom and dig just a little deeper to find the things of real importance.

Did you know that tornadoes have been spotted, for the first time in history, that are spinning the wrong way?

Did you know that there are places in Mexico where the ground temperature is heating up in excess of 200 degrees?

Did you know that during a seven day period in early June there were 772 earthquakes recorded on the California - Nevada border near Mammoth Lake? (Gordon Michele Scallion and others are predicting a volcanic eruption there this summer.)

Did you know that on May 31st, the jet stream (an extremely fast wind current that flows through the upper atmosphere) touched ground for the first time in recorded history?

Did you know that all over North America, migratory birds have stopped returning to their nesting grounds? And that salmon are no longer returning to their spawning grounds? And indigenous tribes throughout the world have stopped having children?

OK, so much for denial.

Once you accept that change is happening, LET GO OF FEAR.

Realize that it is a time of change and not necessarily a time of fear. Fear clouds good judgement and put heavy blocks between the inner intuition, which will be so important during this time, and your conscious mind. The earth changing will not kill you; it changes all the time! But fear, denial, and not being open to your Inner -Self and your intuition may.

Once accepted, and FEAR IS NOT AN ISSUE, investigate.

Learn all you can about what is happening. The Internet can be an invaluable tool here. Through the Internet, you'll be able to discover what you'll never hear on the six o'clock news. You will no longer be at the mercy of news programs governed and determined by entertainment ratings.

When one steps out from under the umbrella of mainstream media and begins to learn what is really happening in the world, there is often the tendency towards anger.

"Why hasn't anyone told me this before?""Why isn't this on the News?""There's a conspiracy going on to keep us in the dark!"

My advice here is to let it pass. Finding out who's responsible and the inner workings of the government or large conglomerations is a tangent that will not only waste your time, but probably lead you into deeper anger and fear and further away from love and truth.

Instead, take the path advised by the Hopi Elders and offered to the world on June 15 over national radio.

Rediscover your spirituality! "If you change now, and change your life around, it will help in the alleviation of much of the terrible outcome from the cataclysms. There is a lot in store for all of us. And the intensity of this will be a lot less if we can all settle down and behave, and not be in the actions that we are right now."

The Hopi Elder went on to explain that it makes no difference whether your spirituality falls in line with an organized philosophy or religion, or if it is something that you have come up with and practice on your own."Practice your spirituality, whatever it may be, like you have never practiced it before." And realize that your consciousness affects the outcome.

Your consciousness effects everything.

Realize that your thoughts, words and actions of today contribute to what the world will be like tomorrow. There you have it.

Four easy steps to surviving the earth changes and all the prophecies.1. Keep your eyes open.2. Let go of fear.3. Learn all you can.4. Live your spirituality.It all sounds pretty simple. It almost sounds like it could even be fun. And that's a very important point to keep in mind. Fun. True spirituality is fun. Very big fun. Joy is probably a better word; bliss perhaps even better. If your spiritual path is not leading you on a path of joy, I would suggest that it's perhaps time to start shopping around. I have come to the understanding (and it has taken a lot of sorrow to get here) that experiencing joy is the most spiritual thing that one can do in the course of their day.

Joy is infectious. It changes and charges the very air that you walk through. It lightens the hearts of those around you. And in these troubled times I can think of no better healing energy to saturate the Earth with. Joy! Why not take a few moments during each day just to pause and think of something that makes you very happy? Try it. You'll like it.

It might even become a habit.

Well, I guess there's only one more point that need to be addressed here. It's usually the position adopted by most skeptics and those in denial as a justification for their position.

"What if the Hopi Elders are wrong?" "What if Gordon Michael Scallion, Robert Ghost Wolf, Edgar Cayce, and all those other modern day prophets are wrong?"

"What if the weather changes back to the way it has been in the past?"

"What if the birds, and the fish and babies come back?"

"What if there are no big earth changes?"

"What if absolutely nothing happens at all?"

To this I can only reply, "Wouldn't that be nice?"

We'd all be able to breathe a collective sigh of relief and joy, take a look around at the Heaven we've created here on Earth, and take great satisfaction in the fact that we didn't have to go through Hell to get there.

Yes indeed, "WOULDN'T THAT BE NICE?"

2012 Unlimited philosophy

1. Humanity and Planet Earth are currently going through a huge change shift in consciousness and reality perception.

2. The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge. Their main calendar is the most accurate on the planet. It has never erred. They actually have 22 calendars in total, covering the many timing cycles in the Universe and Solar System. Some of these calendars are yet to be revealed.

3. The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987. The sixth world starts in 2012.So we are currently "between worlds". This time is called the "Apocalypse" or revealing. This means the real truth will be revealed. It is also the time for us to work through "our stuff" individually and collectively.

4. The Mayan sixth world is actually blank. This means it is up to us, as co-creators, to start creating the new world and civilization we want now.

5. The Mayans also say that by 2012- we will have gone beyond technology, as we know it. We will have gone beyond time and money. We will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe. Our DNA will be "upgraded" (or reprogrammed) from the centre of our galaxy. (Hunab Ku) "Everbody on this planet is mutating. Some are more conscious of it than others. But everyone is doing it" -

6. In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete. Virgil Armstrong also says that two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time. A cosmic event!

7. Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. It is now over 12 cycles per second! This mean there is the equivalent of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours. Another interpretation is, we, or rather Consciousness have been down this same road seven times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of Creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of Creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but Creation itself that is accelerating.

8. During the Apocalypse or the time "between worlds" many people will be going through many personal changes. The changes will be many and varied. It is all part of what we came here to learn or experience. Examples of change could be- relationships coming to an end, change of residence or location, change of job or work, shift in attitude or thinking etc.

9. Remember, in any given moment we are making small and large decisions. Each decision is based on LOVE or FEAR. Choose love, follow your intuition, not intellect and follow your passion or "burning inner desire." Go with the flow.

10. Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life. We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts, we will attract positive people and events. So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgmental ones.

11. Be aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few. Use discernment! Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case of problem reaction solution? Do "they" create a problem so that "we" react and ask for a fix, then "they" offer their solution? The "solution is what "they" really wanted in the first place.

12. Remember , almost nothing happens by accident. Almost all "events" are planned by some agency or other. Despite this, it is a very exciting time to be alive!

snoedel.nlYou Are at a Crossroads: Choose Empowerment Geplaatst op 11.04.2006 om 08:50:31 uur 950 bekeken Spiritueel print Belong to your souls. Be as close to your own being as the world is to its own atmosphere. Be free of notions that do not sustain your being as a whole

These notions are not meant to empower you and keep you from knowing yourselves as the healing beings you are. Let go of the manifestations that exist on your planet that inhibit your growth and keep your spirit in chains. I cannot stress this enough. It is time to let go of old notions! Use your critical thinking powers to hear what I am saying to you. Feel with the truth and power of your soul what I am conveying to you. Does it not ring true?

You are at the crossroads of manifesting healing powers for your planet and other worlds. Many people are channeling works that will teach others that other energies exist in the universe. Works are being created in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, painting, creative movement and revisiting the old religions and arts that have manifested on your planet eons ago as healing devices. You belong to a planet that creates new healing energies derived from the old. Energies built on the old arts act as magnets for new energy from the universe to enter your plane and develop creativity.

Do not fear these energies. They are here on your behalf and may manifest as voices that direct you or visions that communicate to you that their existence is indeed real and that you have the sense modalities to recognize their reality. Many people are being guided by these beings and sense their communication; however, they are not fully open to their presence due to fear. Breathe in this fear, see the color of it in your third eye and release that color through your mouth. You will have cleared the fear. Ask your guides to connect you with the truth of your soul and trust your ability to connect. Your guides are there for you. Ask for their help.


Be aware that these forces exist not only for your benefit but also for their own. They serve you with great enjoyment and leadership. They are fundamental to your well-being and self-knowledge. Ask for the energy of your guide to be transmitted to you through the breath. Breathe in your guide's energy. Allow the energy to circulate through you and visualize your guide's energy encircling your heart chakra. Go through the heart chakra into the knowledge, the soul, of your being. Feel the warmth of the connection between you and your soul guide. Keep breathing the warmth of this connection in and out through your breath. Feel the energy travel down to your feet. Let the energy out through your breath. Surround yourself with the energy as you let out your breath. Notice the color that you are surrounding yourself with. Feel it in front of you. Feel the color and the energy surrounding the back of you. You are enveloped in this cocoon of warmth and love. It is yours. You are entitled to love. Do not doubt it.

You are the continuum of energies on this planet that formalized with the first gasses, molten rock and water that formed your planet. These elements became the physical and emotional makeup of people and all life on your planet. You exist due to the creation of these elements and the creation of elements in the universe that formed energies to interact with one another to create life. How could you deny the importance of your own existence when so many life forms helped form your existence?

The elements that created your Earth continue to live and re-create themselves to formulate new energy and life. These life forms coincide with other life forms, which continue to generate existence in the universe. You belong to the genetic makeup of the universe that is subject and privy to the laws of the universe that create life. Your existence is due to the creative genius of other energies in the universe. These energies communicate with one another through incorporating energies into their own sphere of energy. These energies are allencompassing in their scope and can transmit knowledge to millions of modalities simultaneously while recognizing past, future and current consequences of their present existence. They are simultaneously able to create new life forms through their current communication of knowledge. Communication is instantaneous. Each energy communicates what it wishes to communicate in totality. This communication is beyond the knowledge base of your sciences.


It is important to understand the basis of your creation to help you rethink the creation of your existence on the physical plane as well as recognize the multidimensional tasks that engineered your coming into form. The form you inhabit is made up of your physical being as well as your ethereal bodies. The ethereal bodies have been recognized by your ancient spiritual practices that rely on deep meditation and out-of-body experiences. At one time, all religious practices relied on meditation to impart knowledge to you of your existence, until fear manifested itself into religious practice. Fear was and is used as a political weapon to keep you disenfranchised and under external, rather than internal, control. You must question these practices and wonder what would make you believe in something or someone that is not providing you with self-knowledge from within to empower you. Recognize that you not only have the ability but the obligation to know yourself from within in order to reach spiritual fulfillment. How can you rely on anything other than yourself to teach you about you?

Breathe in and know that you have the ability to teach yourself fulfillment and to provide yourself with answers about yourself that have, up until now, eluded you. Sit quietly and feel the peace of your breath as you breathe in and out. You breathe in peace, and you breathe out peace. Who are you? What is your love? What makes your heart sing with joy? Your answers are what you are-not what your society tells you what you are, not what your churches tell you that you are, not what your parents tell you that you are. You are none of those things. Breathe in and out, in and out, and know who you are.


You belong to the universal soul of the Source that regulates your spiritual growth on this plane at a pace that is not disruptive to the equilibrium of your planet and to your emotional state of awareness. However, you as a race are currently, in this millennium, opening your doors to knowledge that has not yet been a part of your collective spiritual knowledge upon this planet. Pockets of individuals who are becoming systematically aware of the consciousness of their existence as well as the universal consciousness are gathering on your planet to create new forces of energy that will form a wave of energy across the physical plane of your Earth, which will attract people to certain centers. The places on your physical planet are worldwide. They exist as power centers and gathering places for energies that are in existence for the purpose of creating harmonic growth on your planet without creating a disruptive and potentially harmful disequilibrium.

The natural disasters that some people have predicted for your planet are a recognition of these forces, which are potentially harmful, coming together. The focus of energy coming together has been incorrectly translated into forces that will occur in natural disasters for the planet Earth. This is incorrect. However, what is correct is recognition of the potential disequilibrium that could occur due to the influx and awareness of the knowledge of the soul and the existence of entities within the universe. You are not alone. Again, this is not an intellectual exercise. It is an emotional awareness that your existence among universal existences is gathering momentum and recognition upon your planet. What will occur when this knowledge becomes recognized worldwide?

© 2006 by Rochelle Sparrow

Source: April 2006 SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE
Vertaald door Brigitta Bos Miljoenen mensen hebben één ding gemeen: ze blijven de getallen 11:11 zien. Deze mensen komen van alle landen, alle rassen, elke rang en stand, en niveau's van bewustzijn.

Zelfs schoolkinderen weten dat, wanneer ze 11:11 zien, het tijd is een wens te doen.

Eerst lijkt het een pure toevalligheid; dan wordt het geheimzinnig. "Ik startte mijn auto om precies 11:11." "Waarom wordt ik altijd wakker om 11:11?"

Uiteindelijk wordt het onontkenbaar: "Al mijn klokken stonden stil om 11:11."

Er is inderdaad iets vreemds aan de hand.

In het boek "How to LIVE LARGE on a Small Planet", verklaart Solara:

"Er IS iets aan het gebeuren en het is meer reëel dan iemand van ons zich kan inbeelden."

Er wordt een Grotere Realiteit in onze dagelijkse levens ingebracht. De regenworm kijkt eindelijk op naar de sterren en wordt voor eeuwig getransformeerd. Er vindt een fusie plaats tussen onze oneindige kosmische Zelven en onze fysieke lichamen. Dit transformeert ons DNA en staat ons eindelijk toe om levendig levend en geheel reëel te worden.

De volgende keer dat je de 11:11 ziet, stop en voel de subtiele energieën om je heen. De 11:11 is een Wake-Up Call die je naar jezelf hebt gestuurd. Een geheugensteuntje van je werkelijke doel hier op Aarde.

Meestal gedurende tijden van verhoogde energie of versnelde persoonlijke veranderingen zal je de 11:11 meer regelmatig merken.

De Hoofdnummers 11:11 zien is ALTIJD een bevestiging dat je op het juiste pad bent.


Je kan op soms ook op gang gebracht worden door andere veelvoudige Hoofdnummers. Hoofdnummers zijn veelvoudige nummers zoals 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 en 99. Deze getallen behoren tot de Grotere Realiteit, wat de realiteit is die gebaseerd is op Eenheid liever dan op dualiteit.

11 = geboorte en verankering van het Nieuwe.

22 = op het Nieuwe bouwen. Nieuwe Levens en een Nieuwe Wereld bouwen.

33 = universele service door de versnelling van ons Eénwezen.

44 = de balans tussen het spirituele en het fysieke, de herconfiguratie van ons evolutionaire doolhof. Zo Boven, zo Beneden. De creatie van de fundering van ons Nieuwe Leven.

55 = persoonlijke vrijheid verkrijgen door vrij te zijn van het verleden en geheel reëel te zijn.

66 = onze verantwoordelijkheden uitvoeren op een heuglijke, creatieve manier.

77 = grondige inzichten en openbaringen. Onszelf tot onze Kernwezens slijpen.

88 = meesterschap verkrijgen over weelde in alle werelden.

99 = de voltooiing van een grootse evolutionaire cyclus. Tijd voor een andere spectaculaire stap vooruit.

Elk Hoofdnummer is een niveau van inwijding waar we allemaal doorheen moeten gedurende onze evolutionaire reis op Aarde.

Soms kunnen we zelfs geactiveerd worden door Superhoofdnummers zoals: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc. Elk van deze nummers heeft een unieke resonantie die ons op een diep cellulair niveau beïnvloedt en activeert.

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